Is Depression Killing You?

Depression – A Voiceless Killer All of us face ups and downs. We’ve all felt down and blue sometimes. A little quiet time, maybe some binge television, binge eating, a support of a friend or family and you feel better in a while. But Depression is something more serious. It is more than just feeling…

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Ways to Disguise a Bad Hair Day

No More Bad Hair Days We all have days when our crowning glory is misbehaving and just not sitting right. And if you are anything like me, you would know how difficult it is to get curly and frizzy hair to behave during humid summers. For that matter, my hair rarely behaves! But when you have…

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face mask beauty mask

Face Masks to the Rescue

I’m sure all you ladies must have been to a professional salon for a facial. So you definitely also know what a face mask is. Let’s have a little talk about face masks. In a salon, they must be applying a face mask after your skin has been cleansed, exfoliated, any extractions done and then…

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Gender Gap in Wages is Reducing?

In a move to reduce the wage gap, companies with 100 employees or more are now being asked to submit pay data broken down by race and gender to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision. This comes after new debates on the gender pay gap have surfaced about women in Hollywood and professional sport teams such…

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