
Feminism for all the genders

A few days ago, I had an intriguing conversation with a friend/occasional frenemy. He and I have had countless debates about feminism in the past. Although, he and I both agree that male dominance is still prevalent in almost every facet of the society. However, to his dismay, the new age feminists often transmit heat…

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Measures of Success

I often wonder if I am truly successful in life? Sure, I am educated and have a sound future ahead of me. I am smarter than the younger version of me and have mastered the art of getting in and out of more troublesome situations. But I wonder how do we really measure success? Most…

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Perfection in Imperfection

One of my biggest flaws is my lack of self-esteem. I tend to undermine myself and overthink about every obstacle that I face in life. A few days ago, I was complaining about my flaws to my best friend, I want to be perfect in everything I do. To all that, my friend said, “your…

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Watch out for the Geek Girls on the Block

Back in the early 90s and to some extent even the early 2000s for the developing countries, the nerd or geek girls were considered as the typical social outcasts and totally undesirable by the opposite gender. Typically, these girls were not considered pretty and their inability to “play the dating game” was considered as their…

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