5 types of women who should not take birth control pills

It is true Birth control pills give a woman control over her reproductive life. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the pills are a leading method of contraception in the world. The pills major components are the estrogen and synthetic progesterone (progestin). Pills are not solely to prevent pregnancy, but also resolving irregular menstruation, acne, as well as heavy periods. In some women the hormonal pills inhibits ovulation. New users of hormonal pills may experience headaches, nausea and breast tenderness. However, the symptoms may lessen over time.
Obese women
Obesity may compromise the efficacy of the birth control pills in a woman. Overweight women run the risk of pregnancy even after using birth control. Furthermore, if an overweight woman misses her daily pill she risks pregnancy. People give several theories for pill failure in overweight women such as faster metabolism and hormone storage in body fats. Some healthcare providers increase the pill dosages for overweight women rather than giving brands with low dose.
A physically inactive woman
Inactive women predispose their bodies to blood clot when they take pills. Inactive women may become obese. Weight gain is one of the side effects of hormonal contraceptives in women. When the body is constantly exercising, it does not have problems but lack of motion exposes the body to diseases such as blood clots.
A woman with migraine problems
Just before your menstruation cycle starts, the estrogen levels drops. Since a woman’s body is sensitive to the hormonal fluctuations, changes in chemical processes may trigger migraine. Certain oral contraceptive contains hormones whose side effect is headache and migraine. If a woman who already has migraine problems takes such oral contraceptives, the frequency may increase.
Health problems
Are you predisposed to blood clots? Perhaps, for this reason you need to keep off the birth control pills. A woman with blood clot problems ought to avoid contraceptives with estrogen. Estrogen speeds up the clotting factors. A woman with family history of either thrombosis, or blood pressure should avoid the pill. In addition, an endometrial or breast cancer patient too should avoid taking the pills.
Age over 35
As you grow older, your health evolves and so is your ambition. You can switch your contraceptive pills. It is the best times to reevaluate your birth control methods. Even though the pill is safe but female, smokers are in a great danger. Smoke interacts with estrogen in your arteries exposing a woman to the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Overall, if you notice changes in your body after taking pills, consult with your gynecologist to help you switch to another contraception method. Not all birth control methods are appropriate for every woman, she needs awareness of the side effects of the contraception type she is about to use before she makes a decision on the right one. The type of contraception you select depends on your desire to have a child now. In addition, you need to consider your health or just need to prevent a pregnancy.