An Interview with Soha Chahine – Career and Emotional Intelligence Coach

Career Growth Accelerator, Emotional Intelligence and Positive Mindset Builder, Soha Chahine, shares facts from her journey that can help millions reach their destined level of success faster.

 Soha Chahine is an HR professional, a positive mindset and emotional intelligence coach and a harbinger of happiness for all those who want to tread a purposeful career path. She worked as an HR professional for over a decade before the pandemic suddenly made her redundant and brought her to a crossroad, where she had to be decisive about her own career. It was then that she decided to grow her wings and break free of the corporate world, which wasn´t 100% fulfilling.
Her free time during the pandemic allowed a deep process of introspection, where she managed to discover her purpose, values, skills, and natural talent. She found in career coaching a field that could mix her HR abilities with her knowledge of emotional intelligence to the of her clients. She decided to work with all those who were seeking for clarity and confidence around their career direction.

Soha says, “Since then, my brand encourages clients to develop a positive mindset that develops their leadership skills and their emotional intelligence so that they can clarify career goals, connect to their purpose, and travel faster the distance between where they are and where they want to be”. Here is more from our conversation with Soha Chahine.

What role does emotional intelligence play in establishing a thriving professional career?

 Work environments can be challenging. We spend too many hours with the same people, challenging our boundaries and being pressured to meet our expected goals and deadlines. Under this scenario, emotional intelligence plays a key role in the way we handle ourselves, our stress, and our relationships. When we engage our emotions to solve problems, we analyze things differently and arrive to more creative, positive, empathetic, and change-driven solutions.

Why companies should establish a resilient and inclusive culture?

 Famous writer, Liz Fosslien, once wisely said that “diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard”. Creating an inclusive environment for your employees means that they are aligned with your business´ mission and values because they see an opportunity of personal growth in the progress of the company.

A truly inclusive organization helps employees feel accepted, productive, and happier, and this encourages a better flow of ideas and creative solutions to the company´s challenges.

Teams can´t work in isolated silos anymore, not only because it is inefficient, but also because it kills mutual enrichment. Cross-functional work connects people and this creates a collective nourishment.

What sets you apart from others in your field?

Soha Chahine I think that I have two major characteristics that set me apart from others:

The first one is my combination of hard and soft skills. My expertise in corporate HR, combined with my emotional intelligence background and experience as a coach, grant me the needed tools to develop a holistic approach towards my client´s need.

The second characteristic is that I know the details of both sides of the coin. Corporate experience led me to know what businesses want and expect from their employees. And my experience as a coach, and as an entrepreneur myself, make me capable of guiding others through the challenges of finding their purpose.

These characteristics have been validated by the award I have recently received, such as Best Career and EI Coach and by the many recognitions I have received such as one of the Top HR Leaders in the ME and the TOP Career Coach in Dubai.

What advice do you have for career opportunities seekers in the UAE? How do you believe they should make personal development and growth possible?

 The best advice is to always think outside the box and step out of the comfort-zone to provide creative solutions to every new problem.

Who has inspired you the most in your life and how?

First is, Joe Chalouhi, who was my manager and an amazing leader. His optimistic outlook, paired with a calm, flexible and positive personality really taught me the culture of productivity.

A Talent Organizational Development Manager, Nancy Zakharia, always encouraged me to be my own person, to speak up, and to challenge the status quo. She empowered me to take charge of my own career, which really inspired me to become a coach myself.

 Give one message for our readers.

 “Believe that YOU can make the change you seek”. You are your best talent and your greatest asset.

How can readers connect with your brand?

 You can know about my brand either visiting my website, sohachahine, or my social media accounts: @sohachahine.coaching