From Advertising to Dance Choregraphy to Wellness in the Metaverse – Meet Sherylanne Mcleod

Sherylanne Mcleod started her career in advertising initially and after a few years she started working as a publicist for the biggest international music club in Sydney. Though she enjoyed her work as a publicist she had the desire to do more and make her own mark, that is how she became a presenter on a YouTube programme “The Theatre Show”. After creating amazing content on that show for five years including interviewing Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, she began running her own dance school in Sydney, Australia. She is also a two times world dance champion and choreographer.
During all these years she has been excelling in different fields. Studying meditation, self development, removing blocks, trauma release and how to move energy through the body and safely train to be fit was flowing undercurrent her work and interests. She is now among well-known meditation mentors and wholistic health advocates. She was taught and mentored by amazing healers who overcame limitations in the body by strengthening the mind.
During Covid-19 pandemic, she understood the importance of the way the world was changing. The digital world was stormed with innovation. The rise of the metaverse and web3 was exciting. She experimented with wellness activities in the metaverse and understood wellness programs work well there. There came her new brand, Pure Bliss Metaverse where this spiritual warrior created a healing space for others. She also co-created an NFT range called the Lazy Koalas Club. Talking about it, Sherylanne says, “We do fund-raising for the Roald Dahl Marvelous Childrens Charity, the largest UK children’s charity, who provide specialty nurses and machines to seriously ill children, by donating 15% of each sale and 1 NFT to the children’s families. Lazy Koalas Club is a dedicate club for offering help and support to promote wellness”.
Sherylanne’s Innovative work:
Sherylanne used technology, including web3, metaverse and blockchain to create health space innovatively. She chose the best creative designers and the most skilled developers for her project. She combined her meditation and empowerment coaching with fascinating and fun emerging technologies to bring forward metaverse meditation room on an island.
Talking about her exciting work in the metaverse for meditation, Sherylanne said, “Meditation or getting into a deep ‘Theta’ state is about focus and stillness of the mind. We created a beautiful island in the metaverse and we discovered that visiting it on your laptop (with or without a VR headset) helps trick your brain into thinking you are far away from your daily life for that hour and therefore able to be completely present.
Of course, we also do in person and global online streaming either in groups or one to one, the metaverse is not to replace those traditional avenues, just add another fun element and option. We have had such great feedback about how people were able to focus, much more than an in-person meditation session.
At the same time, we also solved certain issues of high-profile people, celebrities, people with high social anxiety or with certain disabilities that perhaps don’t wish to be seen or recognized. This is a great way for them to participate and even be a little social with other avatars at the end – heard but not seen”.
Sherylanne could foresee growth in this area. Relying on the positive feedback and amazing results she received, she has decided to focus on further developments. She states, “We have made it so simple to participate. We help people easily create their avatars and use a VR headset if they have never done that before and would like to, however its not a requirement. You can choose to simply join in on your laptop and listen as you would normally a zoom call.
I see this as becoming more and more popular over time, particularly with the VR headsets coming out becoming more user friendly and mainstream”.
I will be presenting a global Self-Regulation for Women to Balance Work/Family life and Release Stresses online streaming on Wednesday 27 March 2024 4pm London Time: 8pm, Dubai Time: 11am and New York Time: 9am Please connect with me on LinkedIn to receive more details.
We will definitely broaden our activities in the future in the metaverse with workshops, talks, charity, fundraising marathons and some other fun things we are creating”.
Sherylanne’s Perspective on Women Empowerment:
Woman empowerment is not about being aggressive, controlling, in competition with others, a victim or fighting against something. I believe its about focus, standing in your aligned personal power, being kind, compassionate, forgiving and releasing all judgment of others and the past, being present, quietly achieving, gaining clarity, leading by example, championing and uplifting people. Show who you really are by finding your inner peaceful strength and happiness, and helping others find theirs.
Her Message for Other Women:
“It’s time to let go of what is not serving us, it’s what we do from now, with the new knowledge we have to move forward. Make your life count.
Learn to focus your mind like a laser and stand in your divine feminine power. Let every thought and word coming through you be from a higher source. Be the person your future self would be so proud of”.