Precautions for Corona Virus

The novel corona virus now christened COVID – 19 was first reported in 2019 in Wuhan, China. Due to its highly contagious nature, it has fast spread to various Asian, European, North American and even some African states. China being the first country where the virus originated from remains the worst hit. There are over…

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Why integrative health coaching is for you?

Is integrative coaching just about physical well-being? In integrative health coaching, you have a face-to-face interaction with a health coach and speak about issues like nutrition, work, goals, life purpose and much more. Teaming up with a health coach in Dubai today can be a life-changer.  The coach makes the client believe in their abilities….

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Here is what a corporate trainer can do

I know you find trainers everywhere these days. Especially networking events bring in many trainers and coaches who like to network with people through these events. Corporate trainers stand apart as they help corporate in adding value to team performances and accelerate growth. They make sure that the employees in a corporate know their job…

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love and relationship

How to get over someone?

We all know that breakups are hard and overwhelming. The worst parts are going through all those complicated emotions while dealing with the aftermath of the breakup. During this hurtful process, the most common advice you get is to ‘move on.’ Unfortunately, that is the hardest part. I mean how could one person just simply…

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Is Depression Killing You?

Depression – A Voiceless Killer All of us face ups and downs. We’ve all felt down and blue sometimes. A little quiet time, maybe some binge television, binge eating, a support of a friend or family and you feel better in a while. But Depression is something more serious. It is more than just feeling…

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