Anul Mundra speaks about Indian Expats in Dubai

Dubai’s fastest growing Indian Expat Group run by Anul Mundra is enjoying its post Covid growth momentum.

Here is an interview with Anul Mundra the founder of Indian Expats in Dubai

Tell us about yourself Anul? What has your life journey been like?

By degree, I’m an engineer and by profession, I’m an ex-banker. I have an extensive corporate background of over 11 years and I have been working in digital media marketing for about one and a half years now. I have gone through many twists and turns in my life – changing career after career – which eventually led to a business and dream called Indian Expats in Dubai.

Tell us about your venture? When did you start it?

Indian Expats in Dubai is an advertising and marketing company to support Indian businesses in Dubai. It started in January of 2020. Indian Expats in Dubai is a community for Indian Expats that allows people from India in Dubai to support each other. The major idea was to do more for the Indian community and help it become united under this brand. To keep continuously supporting businesses and cover many collaboration opportunities, we organize large events such as exhibitions and fashion shows all year round. We have hosted several significant events during 2021.

As a digital brand what are the growth possibilities for Indian Expats in Dubai (IED)?

Through our digital services, IED currently has more than 44000 Facebook fans, 25,000 Instagram followers, 15,000 WhatsApp users, and 7000 Telegram subscribers, so that database is what we use to promote businesses. We look forward to grow further and continue to support the community. Indian Expats receive encouragement for their ventures, find friends and even business partners through our digital as well as real life activities. We are expecting to become the largest Indian community in Dubai in next four or five years.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to launch a social platform in the UAE ?

Make sure you’re consistent, hard-working, and understand your goals before working towards them. Work in the right direction toward social platforms so it can have lots of potential.

What is the best advice you have ever received and from whom?

People often try to give you advice, but believe in yourself and keeping working on your goals. I have always got my very supportive husband and parents and are the only ones I can trust. I have learned – to be patient and to be consistent.

What are your goals for 2022 ?

Advertising and marketing needs to be extended and marketed to larger brands, much more than they are now. IED’s mission is to become an event company that will continue to evolve and reach new height.