Free Zone Entity & Starting a Business in the UAE

Starting a business in Dubai requires local sponsorship? Not mandatory! What if you can start a business in Dubai with 100% ownership? Are you asking me it is even possible? The answer is BIG YES!!!

If you had asked me this question a few years ago, I would have answered it with a BIG NO!!!

What has changed in between? Anything interesting!!! Hell Yeah! Good News for those who wish to own a business here in the UAE. If you noticed what I said above, if you wish to own a business, it is possible, because there is a difference between starting a business and owning a business. You can tell me that both are the same, but in the UAE it is different.

What is the difference? 

I think you got triggered, if not, you will be in a moment. I don’t want to beat around the bush, today using your mobile phone you can get almost everything at your fingertips. Obviously, you would have known this information too, how I say that? It is simple! If you type in the keyword or in case if you are brushing your teeth while reading this one, you can say ‘Hi Google’ and tell her what you want, you can get that information in a fraction of seconds even before splitting your toothpaste out in the sink. So, I am not going to give you the same bla bla black sheep stuff here again. That’s the only difference you will feel after I open the news. I also know, this is not very hot news and it is been there for quite a long time. But it won’t stop me! And it surely not!!! The lack of hot news should not be the reason to serve you the same boring benefits to start a business in the UAE Free Zones. YUCK!!!

I hope you are observing me keenly what I am going to say differently in this article about starting a business in free zones so far, I know I have been testing all your patience, please cooperate with me!!! As I am going to tell you the same boring known stuff differently. That too, in my own style!!!

I am just trying to decorate the same old dish by adding some spices to it. Why to reinvent the wheel? That is the formula I am using here. I do the same dish in my style and that is the only difference. It will make this article interesting to read, if not, you can read the same information on Google itself. BELIEVE ME!!! PIECES OF INFORMATION ARE PLENTY OUT THERE!!!

What to do? There is also a lack of innovation in writing articles about the same information. So, I am forced to convey the same information, but with a slight difference. It’s like selling the same product as competitors with a different brand name (Please don’t do the same when you start your business in the free zoneJ). Coming to the point, what is the difference between starting a business and owning a business in the UAE? You have been reading this patiently to know it, I am fully aware of that.

Ok, here we go!!! If you start a business on the mainland, you have to get a local sponsor with only 49% ownership. That’s what most people do, but I know you are different, so I would recommend you to own the business by starting it in the UAE free zones with 100% ownership. In addition to that, there are more than 40+ free zones are there in the UAE, with more to add on in the future, that is why I say, start a business in the free zones and you can own your business 100%.