Starting over – A new life and a new beginning

Starting over – A new life and a new beginning

For the past few years, my life has been very uncertain. Every new opportunity seemed like a temporary fix, till I found my destined pathway. I felt perhaps this was all meant to be, but once again, my hope shattered, and I felt that I have made my way back to ground zero. At that point, an opportunity to make a move presented itself to me. I had two options, risk it all and give one last shot or go back to my safety net and leave everything behind. I chose option A and decided to make a transition from Atlanta, Georgia to Canada.

Starting a new life is not easy, people say you need a solid plan and a proper strategy from the very beginning. But they fail to tell you that there is a huge probability that your original plan will not work, your strategy will go down the drain and all your backup plans will backfire. I had planned out my entire life and Canada was never a part of the plan, and never in my life, I had thought I would make it to Vancouver, British Columbia. During my journey, I learned that although plan and strategy are essential but the spirit of constantly fighting and keep pushing through is even more important.

During my starting over phase, I surrounded myself with people who believed in me and reminded me of how awesome I am. My parents, my sister and my best friend Sana became my biggest pillars and they all gave me all the support I needed. Once, I had reenergized myself with hope and the fighting spirit I came up with a masterplan, that was to give 100% and to quit worrying about the results. My big move taught me loads of lessons along the way and make me appreciate myself even more. Hence, this blog post is just another way to gloat about my amazing self! Just kidding 😉

The Big Move

Until a few months ago all I know was that I was moving to Canada. My best friend had graciously offered me to stay with her indefinitely and suggested that we could be roommates like Monica and Rachel from Friends. Although, I was enticed by that idea and starring as Rachel in my own mental-movie was a dream role, but I decided to keep my options open. I knew that I wanted to leave behind my old patterns, embrace a stronger me and just hit the reset button on life.

Little that I know how daunting and frustrating the whole process could be. I started by creating a list of cities that I could see as my potential home and kind of career choices that I wanted to opt for. Once, my list was ready, I reached out to my expat friends and asked for their guidance. Their struggles and success stories gave me hope too and then the scary process of applying for the jobs started. Soon, I found an amazing job and a place to stay and then I made my big move.

Lessons Learned along the way

When I first moved into the new city; I was scared and confused, yet hopeful. Although, I am still learning my ways around the city and still trying to explore and expand my tribe. I am blessed to report that I did manage to find some amazing people in Vancouver. But I also learned that moving into a new city does not mean overnight success. This is merely a fresh start for me to make most out of the existing opportunity, to learn and to find happiness within me.

In the past few months, I met two types of people. The first category is the one who saw me as a failure and wanted to “fix me” by either telling me that I am old to start all over again, I am not successful as per their standards, I am weak and/or not confident enough or over-confident (make up your minds seriously). The second category is those who acknowledged my strength, gave me a platform to learn and shine and taught me the true value of life.

Once I evaluated my life, I realized that this is not new, everyone I know falls into either of these categories. But it is about time that I let go of those who fall into the first category. Unfortunately, these individuals project themselves louder than the second ones. The only way to tune out their voices was to listen to my inner conscious, learning that I can never please everyone and to stop taking everything too seriously. So far, I feel great about myself, I feel optimistic and I really hope that this new me sticks around for long.

In a nutshell, life is exciting because it always throws a curveball at us when we least expect it! However, it is up to us how we look at that situation. At this age, starting over, again and again, is very common, all we must do is make sure that every time we hit that reset button our next version is better than the first one. Between if you are going through relocation adjustment issues you may even consult a life coach through this great website The CoachLink. This will make you cope with some issues faster.