7 Secrets of Social Networking Revealed

The way humans communicate these days has greatly changed over the last few decades, thanks to technology. We now have a population that uses various social media networks to engage with each other. This is something that modern businesses want to compete successfully with others must wholly embrace. We now have consumers who have moved to the social media networks and are interacting with the world around them. There, they are sharing their tastes, likes, dislikes, and even talking about brands. We have scenarios where potential customers get recommendations and decide on purchases on social media networks.

Now that you know about the importance of social networking for business today, let’s talk more about the 7 secrets of social networking with a focus on Dubai.

It is not always about you 

There usually a misconception out there regarding networking that meeting people is about ‘me.’ As you go out there to meet people, make an effort to allow the meeting to be about what you can offer to the other people. That said, the next time you attend any social networking event, bear this in mind every time.

It is better to listen 

There are lots of networking events in Dubai and if you get the opportunity to attend any of them, be wise to be a great listener. How can you do this? Well, listen to what the other people have to say and ask questions. It is best for you to develop a genuine interest in the other people you meet at the event. Only the best listeners are make the best at building new relationships.
Always allow the other person you meet talk and let them know that you are keenly listening to what they are saying.

There is power in names 

A name is one of the most important things that you have. That said if you are focused on the other person talking and listening, you will find that remembering that person’s name will be easier for you. Learn to use a person’s name in your responses, replies and even in face to face conversations. This will go a long way in helping you win more people.

Be yourself 

Always be real as this is a characteristic of excellent networkers. Never worry about attempting to be what you aren’t. You won’t succeed at trying to please everyone you meet at social networking events. You are always free not to accept every friend request or follow back requests you get.


The goal of every communication is usually to connect. Discover the common ground that you share with others. If you are still a beginning networker for instance, why not attend business networking for beginners? You will be able to meet people you share common interests with in such events.

Always think long term 

While networking for prospects you should always think long term. Never try converting a contact the very first time you connect with them. Instead you should focus on building a long term relationship with a contact.

Make it fun 

Never take things so seriously, make it fun meeting new people. You can talk about things other than just business. You will find out that at the end of it all, it will be more productive for you.